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Facilitating Cancer Recovery
Restoring Balance • Restoring Health

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique for self-directed
health and healing

B.E.S.T. is a physical, yet non-forceful, procedure using the hands to re-establish the full healing potential of the body. B.E.S.T. removes the emotional interference and/or distractions that are demanding the attention of the healing power and causing an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Researched at major universities, taught as an elective in many chiropractic colleges and in professional continuing education seminars, B.E.S.T. is recognized as an effective healing science. It complements traditional medical treatment by physicians. While the M.D. focuses on the disease, with B.E.S.T. treatments, the patient is taught how to regain their health. This approach empowers the patient to become an active participant in the healing process.

I know how to inspire my patients to believe that they can be perfectly well. I take patients through four stages of awareness: Hope—Faith—Belief—Knowingness. Everyone has a ‘potential’ for health. I am not concerned with conditions or statistics, only potential. Where there is breath there is hope and where there is hope there is possibility. — Dr. Robert Sones

Options for Optimal Health Woman ImageOptions for Optimal Health

Anyone whose life has been touched by cancer knows it affects the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. Your oncologist is responsible for treatment of your condition. Only you can be responsible for regaining your health.

Fundamental to B.E.S.T. therapy is learning to think, consciously, in ways that enhance the body’s healing capacity.

“I would never say that I treat cancer,” says Dr. Sones. “I do not treat conditions but rather people with conditions. Addressing the cause, which is always associated with The Six Essentials for Life, allows the condition to begin to resolve.”

Unique to B.E.S.T. therapy is the ability to draw information from the subconscious mind of the patient, identify a “feeling,” and link the feeling to a past experience. The experience is related to the condition and represents a “timing problem.” This is never appropriate. You live and heal in the present moment. The procedure “updates” and neutralizes the effect of a memory, changing the perception of the experience from a negative to a positive. When the effect of the experience is neutralized, healing can begin. Healing cannot be forced. It can only be allowed.

B.E.S.T. restores the body’s timing to present-moment need. All body systems – immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, excretory, nervous, etc. – are balanced and the body begins to respond to stimulation from the environment, internally and externally, in the “now” as it should. “I believe more people succumb to the diagnosis of cancer than the disease,” says Dr. Sones. “They may have been living with the disease for years but when they hear the diagnosis, the perception of doom and the effect on the body go into ‘memory’ at the physical, mental, and emotional levels. Healing is suppressed in this state of mind.”

Stress suppresses the immune system, which plays an essential role in the recovery from cancer or any other condition. To strengthen the immune system, emotional stress is addressed with the B.E.S.T. procedure. Every thought we have has its root in one of two basic emotions: love or fear. Trying to heal when the mind is in a state of anxiety (fear) is futile. Hope and belief in your ability to heal is the antidote to the fear that accompanies a serious diagnosis. Proper nutritional support is also essential for the body to repair and rebuild. Nutritional recommendations are specific to each patient and fundamental to the B.E.S.T. procedure. When the body is balanced, both emotionally and nutritionally, the probability of a positive outcome is greatly increased.

Healing, like happiness, is an inside-out process. Patients who experience amazing outcomes seem to have two things in common: They believe they can be perfectly well, and they focus more on living, rather than the alternative.

As a coach, Dr. Sones’s goal is to give you the tools to create your own miracle!

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