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Dr. Sones Phone Number is 281-367-3047. Call for a free phone consultation.

B.E.S.T. Fertility Opportunities
Restoring Balance • Restoring Health

Are you trying to become pregnant?

When a woman is having difficulty conceiving, both the physical and emotional aspects must be addressed. A medical doctor will focus on the physical body. Dr. Sones is trained to recognize and address the emotional connection to the body’s reproductive capability. Psycho-neuro-physiology refers to how the mind affects the nervous system and thus how the body is functioning. Couples can be taught how to think, consciously, in ways that enhance the possibility of conception instead of unconsciously blocking it. While no guarantee of success is ever possible, a number of women have come to Dr. Sones with fertility challenges and they now have healthy babies.

Most fertility specialists would agree that when it comes to infertility, the emotional aspect is critical and can be difficult to deal with.

It is my experience that the anxiety or fear of being unable to conceive can be the greatest barrier to conception. Using B.E.S.T., we are able to neutralize anxiety and thereby control the stress hormones that can impede conception. Learning to cultivate a strong positive emotional state is essential for conception to occur. – Dr. Robert Sones

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
for self-directed health and healing

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique, or B.E.S.T., is an advanced mind/body therapy. All body systems—reproductive, immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, nervous, etc.—are synchronized. This allows normal processes, like conception, to proceed naturally. Conception, like healing, cannot be forced. B.E.S.T. works with nature, addressing the physical, mental, and emotional barriers to conception.

It is important to understand how anxiety, or any fear-based emotion, for that matter, affects the body. Blood and “energy” are shunted to the skeletal muscles so that a threat, real or perceived, can be addressed by “fight or flight.” Blood and energy are reduced in the core of the body, which naturally reduces reproductive potential. If you are being chased by a bear, real or imagined, conception is not a high priority. The same concept applies to sustaining a pregnancy once one occurs. The subconscious intellect that is running the body doesn’t know the difference between a real bear and an imaginary bear. Realizing that how you think can support or sabotage you gives you the ability to make a choice. Choose wisely and you increase your probability of success. As a coach, I show you how to work with the intelligence that is running your body. You can’t control it. But you can influence it.

How many times have you heard about a couple that tried for years to have a child, finally gave up, and adopted? What frequently happens? A pregnancy, of course. Where was the barrier?

I find it to be very gratifying to help couples realize the dream of having a healthy child by learning how to work in harmony with nature. — Dr. Robert Sones

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