281–367-3047 drsones@sbcglobal.net

Other Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief, Trauma, Injuries, Sciatica, Arthritis, TMJ, PTSD

Our gentle, non-forceful balancing can support pain management and resolution of a range of health issues.

Other Chiropractic Services and Pain Management

◦ Sports and Trauma Injuries
◦ Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain Relief
◦ Sciatica Treatment
◦ Arthritis
◦ TMJ Pain Relief
◦ Treatment of Migraines and Tension Headaches
◦ Gastrointestinal Treatment
◦ Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
◦ Chronic Pain Management
◦ Cancer Pain Management
◦ Weight Management
◦ Child Health Issues
◦ Fertility Issues

Please click on tabs to discover pain management services:

Our approach to addressing chronic pain management is different than you may have experienced. Of course we are concerned with your pain, but more concerned with the cause. If we don’t address the cause, your problem may never be resolved. Following a thorough examination, we’ll go over your exam findings with you and propose a program to correct the problem.

Many patients that have lived with pain for a long time are discouraged and depressed and the lack of hope can be a major barrier to healing. These feelings can contribute to the level of pain and inability to respond to an appropriate therapy. B.E.S.T. therapy is very effective in dealing with these types of issues and neutralizing their ability to block the healing process. In a nutshell, “the mind matters.” We have the unique ability to address not only the physical, but also the mental and emotional components of your condition.

Sports and Trauma Injuries
Did you know that almost half of all “whiplash” type injuries continue to cause symptoms to some degree seven years later? The body is designed to heal. If the injury isn’t healing, interference is present. A major interference factor that is seldom addressed is the emotional component of the trauma. Emotions, whether or not related to the injury, can store the physiology of the trauma in memory.

This creates a “timing problem” in the muscles involved in the trauma when (even years later) the memory of the emotional upset is recalled. We treat the whole patient, rather than treating just the symptoms. B.E.S.T. therapy is used to correct the “timing” problems caused by emotions.

Neck and back pain can be related to many factors. While most back pain is muscle, joint, or nerve related, in rare cases it can be caused by referred pain from an organ. Naturally, we’ll immediately refer you to your family physician.

A common cause of neck or back pain is a “timing” problem in the muscles that support the affected joint. For example, there are nine muscles in your rotator cuff or shoulder. For you to rotate your arm through space in a circle, without pain, requires a great deal of “synchronicity” as muscles contract and relax in time. One muscle “out of time” will cause muscles to be pulling against each other, resulting in pain and limited range of motion.

Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. Over time, arthritis can cause bone spurs when calcium is laid down as the body tries to stabilize the area. This response is what you want with a fracture; it’s not what you want when there is a correctable joint problem.

Taking pain medication for arthritis does nothing to address the cause. Over time, the condition will only become worse. B.E.S.T. therapy “re-times” the muscles by turning off the messages to the muscle causing it to contract inappropriately. The treatment goal is always to treat the cause, making the symptom unnecessary.

The vast majority of headaches are related to muscle and joint problems originating in the neck or cervical spine. A comprehensive orthopedic and neurological exam will identify the probable source and cause of the pain. While the cause is usually related to the “musculoskeletal” system and will likely respond well to chiropractic management, in rare cases it can be caused by hormonal, vascular (blood flow) or organ problems.

In this case, medical evaluation may be the best course of action. Because of the gentle and non-invasive nature of B.E.S.T. therapy, it is the logical alternative to long-term use of pain medication. All drugs have side effects and are toxic to some degree and thus best avoided if possible.

The TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint is a good example to demonstrate the critical nature of timing for normal and painless joint function. Timing is normal and natural when a muscle contracts as an opposing muscle relaxes to allow motion. There are four main muscles on each side of the jaw: the temporalis, mandibular, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid. Every time we chew, speak, or simply open the mouth, these eight muscles should work in perfect balance.

A simple demonstration is to stand in front of a mirror and slowly open your mouth. Watch to see if there is any deviation of your jaw as you do this. If there is, even very slightly, you have a timing problem. While you may be pain free, the potential for a dysfunction and pain is present. If you have jaw pain and possibly “clicking” of the jaw when you chew, you might consider being evaluated with B.E.S.T. before more invasive and irreversible TMJ procedures.

Timing problems by muscles supporting a joint is a very common cause of arthritis and joint degeneration. The ultimate goal of B.E.S.T. therapy is to detect and address the muscle imbalances before symptoms occur.

The Woodlands & Houston Chiropractic Care

Call Today: 281-367-3047

Grief Resolution

As a mind-body wellness coach with over twenty years of experience, I help individuals learn to grieve in a healthy way.

The goal is to change how one reflects on the memory of a loved one, be it a family member, a friend, or even a beloved pet. No one gets through life without emotional trauma, but few of us understand how unresolved grief can affect one’s health. Strong emotions, positive or negative, have an effect at the cellular level and influence all of our body systems. Positive thoughts have positive effects and negative ones have negative effects. Grief over loss of a loved one and the “broken heart” one experiences can lead to preventable health challenges.

My Grief Release procedure effectively changes any negative memory pattern that was established in the subconscious mind at the time of the loss. The result is a memory that resonates with love and appreciation rather than pain and loss. This is when the broken heart begins to heal.

I was struggling with grief after my father died. It surprised me, because I had been living away from home for nearly thirty years. I loved my dad dearly, but I only saw him once or twice a year.

Dr. Sones gave me a “grief release” adjustment. I was surprised once again at how much relief I felt! I then was able to process my grief appropriately but quickly.

– Donna Mosher

Give Us a Call for a Free Telephone Consultation.


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Complementary, Holistic, Alternative Healthcare in Spring Texas
